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The  songs on our album were written by our team! Watch the videos below to hear the story behind each song.

Greta shares on "Empty Grave," a song led by Haley. Another in my place...this phrase should bring us to our knees in realizing what all Christ has done for us! Greta contributed to the album project through the cover design, getting the music processed and uploaded to music platforms and some lyric writing. We love you Greta!

Sheila shares about the song on which she sings lead, “God All By Yourself”. He doesn’t need us, He wants us… a powerful realization to come to in our relationship with God. Sheila pulled a huge role in this project, from playing keys, being an anchor in backup vocals and helping with music and lyric arrangements. She is a creative soul and we are SO thankful to have her on our team.

Here is Jamal's take on what "Little Taste of Heaven" means to him. When I think of all You've done for me... it's a little taste of Heaven! This song has become one of the most listened to songs on the album. We are so happy that Jamal joined us to be part of this project. His contribution of lead and backup vocals brought so much! We love you Jamal!

Andrew shares on “Always Forever.” This is a special song for us, as it is the first song that we wrote and completed. A song that was written through some dark times, declaring that God is our constant through the waves of life. Andrew played a huge role in our recording project, as he wrote a lot of the lyrics to the songs that are a part of our album. We love you Andrew!

Emery shares her personal thoughts on "Sons and Daughters." I can't get over that you know me by name... what a thought! Having Emery be part of this album was an absolute joy. Her heart of authenticity is so refreshing! She contributed with vocal leads and parts.

If He’s done it before, I know He’ll do it again! Nelson shares on our song “Wilderness.” A song that so many of us can relate to! Nelson was the visionary behind this project. He saw the finished project from the beginning and kept encouraging the rest of us to keep writing and arranging music. Along with writing songs, Nelson contributed vocals and guitar parts to the album.

Haley shares about what our song, "Last Time Checked" means to her. Having Haley be part of this project was amazing! From singing leads, to parts, her voice and spirit took our music to a new level.

Have you heard our song “Jericho?” Eugene shares his personal thoughts and take about this song. Eugene played a huge role in the album project from helping to arrange music to producing the finished product, playing acoustic guitar and singing, we’re so thankful to have him on our team! ❤️

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